Make the email field optional for Offline Donations
Tori Meglio
Without an email, the automatic receipt will not be sent.
The donation/ticket amount is added to transaction records and an associated contact record will be created.
The donation/ticket amount is added to the campaign goal bar if that's applicable to the campaign.
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Jesse Saldana
Jesse Saldana
in progress
Liran Cohen
Kait Cogswell
Thanks for your interest in this feature request! Now that Transaction Imports have launched, you can use our import tool to add offline transactions without sending a receipt email to your donors. This guide will show you how:
H. Caitlin Corbitt
definitely needed that this past weekend
NAMI FingerLakes
YES! We are trying to use Give Butter to manage our donations, but there is not an easy way to add offline transactions. We have created an email to enter into the field, but it is most inconvenient. Also, we need a way to change the date of the entry.
Jesse Saldana
Emily Kemmann
This is very much needed! Requiring an email is also very inconvenient for check and cash donations since it's very confusing if we do have a donor's email address to receive an email receipt when we've already mailed them a receipt for a check donation. This is on top of the point that I rarely have emails for offline donors. I think it would be ideal to be able to disable the field for offline donations or simply make it not required. I hope this feature will be moved to in-progress very soon! I'm considering whether it's a dealbreaker for us with GiveButter since there's no way for us to effectively input all of the checks that we receive. I'm disappointed, since I'm using GiveButter for tracking donor interactions and it doesn't make sense for half of our donors not to be in there. Can we get an update on this?
Tori Meglio
Merged in a post:
Offline transactions
Michela Hugo
We REALLY need to be able to enter offline transactions without an email since we do not typically have an email address for people who MAIL checks. We also need to be able to add an off-line transaction for an existing contact. Last, we need to have the ability to enter a date for the offline transactions in case we are entering them at a later date. Until we have these features, Givebutter will have very limited functionality for us because we aren't able to accurately record all contacts and transactions.
Turquoise Bowtie
I would absolutely love this feature as my organization often receives written checks through 3rd parties with no email address attached and currently we have to send paper receipts for this. If this was available to admin only this would be perfect!
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