Allow Admins to issue refunds
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Jesse Saldana
Admins are now able to issue refunds to donors from the Transactions page.
See our Help Center article to learn more about how to issue a refund:
Lucy Johnson
Jesse Saldana This works, but only one transaction at a time. We had to cancel an upcoming event this week, and issue refunds to all who had purchased tickets. I'm happy that there were not many ticket holders at the time the event was cancelled, but what if it was for a gala with perhaps in excess of 100 tickets sold before cancellation (worst case - Taylor Swift's concerts in Austria - yikes!). Please add my request for a means to check a box or something to set up all purchasers at the same time for their refunds.
Liran Cohen
in progress
DeAnn Colegrove
Liran Cohen: yahoo!
DeAnn Colegrove
This is a no-brainer and may stop our transition to Givebutter.
Southern Utah Ladies Society
This would be a very convenient feature!
Jesse Saldana
Susan Ross
Yes, why was that not done in the beginning?
ALSO to be notified each month for monthly donations instead of having t remember to go in to see who has given. We should get an email notification.
Tori Meglio
Susan Ross: HI Susan, thanks for your feedback on our refunds feature. Our support team is here anytime to help you process a refund. Simply use the chat widget and share the Transaction ID. I'm also going to subscribe you to a feature request for monthly donation notifications.
Emmalee Bowlin
Yes please! This would make it sooooo much easier if we could just process the refund ourselves.
JSL Treasurer
Has this been created, yet? I need to refund a transaction as the campaign should have been closed!
Liran Cohen
Liran Cohen
under review
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