Account and campaign analytics
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Elaine Makikalli
We’re thrilled to share that this along with other several highly requested features are in the pipeline!
Givebutter has been hard at work cooking up a whole set of exciting new features, and we’re inviting you to be part of the first group to experience them at our live event: The Spread.
Join us live for a landmark Givebutter launch on September 25th!
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Merged in a post:
Campaign Analytics on Dashboard
John Dieter
Have a designated space on the dashboard that provides live/dynamic info about campaign. Ex: a pie chart showing percent of donations coming from each payment method. Currently, to get information like this, user would need to run Transactions report export and do their own calculations in a spreadsheet instead of getting at-a-glance updates right on their dashboard.
Deb Jarrett
Or can we just get it so we can have GA be be able to track?
Tori Meglio
The request for account-wide analytics for all users has been reopened. Please leave a comment about what metrics you'd like to see in the Dashboard, below!
Liran Cohen
Account-wide analytics are now available as part of Givebutter Pro.
Liran Cohen
in progress
Liran Cohen