Embeddable Fundraising Goal Thermometer
Tori Meglio
Ability to embed a fundraising goal thermometer on your own website. If this is something you're interested in, we'd love to hear your use cases below.
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Jesse Saldana
Thank you all for the feedback and comments on this feature request.
We've added the ability to enable a goal bar on the new embedded form widget. Additionally, we've added a standalone goal bar widget that can be styled as a progress bar or thermometer.
You can read more about these updates in the changelog: https://community.givebutter.com/changelog/raise-the-bar-with-the-new-goal-bar-widget
Ben Albert
Jesse Saldana: thank you!!!
FFDR web
Definitely agree with Sunny Ellis - especially to restore the title and description. Having our orgs name at the top just adds more legit clarity to the widget pop-up.
Mindy Gould
We’ve been trying to pay off a vet bill. It could help show we are still a ways from being there.
Jesse Saldana
in progress
Jesse Saldana
Merged in a post:
Restore goal bar and title/description to widget embeds
Sunny Ellis
Jesse Saldana
Taylor Jones
Please bring this back! This is such a helpful feature and adds a lot of visual interest and momentum to pages and emails!!!
Jesse Saldana
Taylor Jones: Thanks for the feedback! You can now enable the goal bar on your embedded form widget or add a standalone goal bar widget. To learn more,check out our changelog: https://community.givebutter.com/changelog/raise-the-bar-with-the-new-goal-bar-widget
Nikki Ayres
Hey Give butter- Greasing the wheel here :) help us spread more butter with a goal bar
Jesse Saldana
Nikki Ayres: Thanks, Nikki! This is now possible by enabling the goal bar on your embedded form widget or adding a standalone goal bar widget to your organization's website. You can read more on our changelog: https://community.givebutter.com/changelog/raise-the-bar-with-the-new-goal-bar-widget
Christa Dillabaugh
Please bring this back. We are prepping to run some smaller campaigns and we need to show our donors that they are not alone!!
Jesse Saldana
Christa Dillabaugh: Hi Christa, thanks for the feedback! You can now enable the goal bar on your embedded form widget or add a standalone goal bar widget. To learn more, checkout our changelog: https://community.givebutter.com/changelog/raise-the-bar-with-the-new-goal-bar-widget
Caitlyn Honeycutt
YESSS! Please bring it back. Every little bit of encouragement helps, and the goal bar was really helpful.
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