Zapier: Add Campaign Name to API
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Erick Chan
It would also be helpful to have the "campaign ID" added to the "New Ticket" trigger
Seth Giammanco
+1 for this. The integreation with LGL is just not as friendly as LGL only accepts a Campaign name (not code) to make to a campaign in their system. That the payload only has the code it is possible (or at least easy) to get a transaction mapped to a campaign by name.
Nick Mracek
Still interested to see if this can be added.
Liran Cohen
Nick Mracek: Great idea! We are going to slot this into our roadmap, but I don't have an exact date on when it will be incorporated.
Nick Mracek
My goal is to update a notification in Slack with which campaign the donation came from. Conditionally naming by campaign ID is complicated with Zapier Paths requires a premium plan. I could see how it would be helpful in Quickbooks and other Apps to have the name text string in addition to the numerical ID.
"New $50 General Fund Campaign donation from John Smith <[email protected]>"
Nick Mracek
Here's what I'm trying to do. I just get "Campaign ID" and not the name of the campaign. This is for a Slack notification but would help with filling out data connection to Quickbooks and Mailchimp as well.