Salesforce integration
Tori Meglio
Givebutter already integrates with Salesforce via Zapier, and we can offer custom integrations on a case-by-case basis, but we would love to offer a native Salesforce integration to all users as well.
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Ashlie Flood
I'd love an update about Salesforce integration. I see folks are asking about Nonprofit Industry Cloud, but I'd still be interested in a Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack integration, since we aren't planning to switch any time soon. I'm very frustrated with the Zapier integration.
Johnny Lin
Any ETA on when we might be getting a direct Salesforce integration?
Anne-Marie Hendrickson
I wish I would have understood all the limitations integrating custom fields via Zapier. I hope the standard fields will work as designed.
Mark Felling
Yes please to the native integration. Zapier never works cleanly and only makes a mess. Extra complexity never a desirable. Even worse when that extra complexity comes with extra cost.
Carmen Neely
Now that Salesforce is no longer upgrading the Nonprofit Success Pack, can Give Butter integrate with the new Nonprofit Industry Cloud or at least be usable with person accounts?
Tom Roberts
This one is so hugely needed
Carmen Neely
We would love to have native Salesforce integration as well.
Carmen Neely
Carmen Neely: Now that Salesforce is no longer upgrading the Nonprofit Success Pack, can Give Butter integrate with the new Nonprofit Industry Cloud or at least be usable with person accounts?
Hamilton Families
Please let us all know how close you are to getting a native integration with Salesforce! We desperately want to return to Givebutter but the integration with Zapier doesn't even come close to what users actually need and are able to afford.
Stephen Kao
Hamilton Families: Thanks you for letting us know! If you'd like, I'd love to chat with you about what you need from a native Salesforce integration. I'll be in touch via email!
Liran Cohen
Merged in a post:
Salesforce integration
Tori Meglio
Givebutter already integrates with Salesforce via Zapier, and we can offer custom integrations on a case-by-case basis, but we would love to offer a native Salesforce integration to all users as well.