Map split-payments
Tori Meglio
The ability to map split-payments to differentiate between earned revenue, donations, and applicable fees.
Currently, the total transaction including donation/ticket amount and any applicable fees covered by the donor is mapped to Bloomerang via the native integration.
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Alexis Coon
I just enabled my Bloomerang integration with Givebutter and ran an historical sync for one of our campaigns. When I saw that it also carries over the fees into the donation total, I disabled the integration and manually deleted all of the synced donations in Bloomerang. I do not think I will use this integration feature without splitting the fees from the donation. Hopefully we can see this change soon! For now, I will keep inputting donations from GiveButter into Bloomerang manually. Thank you!
Catrina Mathewson
I did the Bloomerang integration only to learn that the fees went over too. This creates such a mess. Please find a way to separate these. I am now working with bloomerang to undo the integration.
Delite Primus
Having the credit card fees and the donation split is crucial to accurate accounting and for accurate acknowledgement to the donor.
Aparna Nidamanuri
Such a need!
Wash State Jewish Historical Society
Please update the Bloomerang integration so when a donor chooses to cover the credit card fee the total amount is not uploaded into Bloomerang. If we do not manually update the Bloomerang transaction, it potentially messes up our accounting. Additionally it would be fabulous to update the integration so if there is a benefit of goods/services that cannot be claimed on the donor's IRS taxes that it be automatically excluded from the upload.
See attachment of a $500 donation that appears to be a $515.24 donation because the donor chose to cover the fees. We did not receive the addtional 15.24, so it is not properly reflected in Bloomerang, or our stripe upload, and does not match our books.
See attached for an example of a non-taxable benefit. We received the full donation, but the tax receipt / thank you note had to be updated manually and the information had to be captured in the notes field.
Brittany Ross
Fee amounts are integral for data that should sync. I see this issue as the largest hurdle when contemplating whether Givebutter is worth pursuing.
Gillian Thornton
Please make it possible to split the payment between fees and donations. It defeats the purpose of integrating between GiveButter and Bloomerang when the fees are included in the donation total, as that is $ that never sees our bank account, and we cannot count that as part of the donation received. This is particularly a problem for recurring payments, as I have found those amounts can't be edited in Bloomerang if they were part of the integration process.
Lori Scharffenberg
We just started using GiveButter and set up the integration with Bloomerang and I am incredibly frustrated that no one on either side mentioned this very time-consuming issue with the integration. Until this is fixed, I don't see how the integration saves time? It would be quicker for me to download from GB and import the data to Bloom according to what has already been told to the donor is their tax-exempt portion of their payment. Having that number be different between the two platforms is incredibly confusing and time consuming.
Sara Gladney
when can this be prioritized. we only just realized we have to manually update every transaction in bloomerang to use the correct donation amount that is sent over in the sync includes the fees.
we would like to send a end of year summary for donations to all of our donors but are now realizing unless we update every single transaction from givebutter then these summary reports are completely inaccurate.
please prioritize this so we are not having to do this all over again for 2022.
Anne Brown
Being able to see what was a ticket purchase vs donation would be great. Also, a way to sync attendee info would be great (info entered on individual tickets). Perhaps that could be an interaction sync that happens at same time as transaction sync.
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