Expose the contact ID on the transaction object in the API
Emily Kemmann
to assist with migrating data to other platforms, such as Quickbooks
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Ertay Shashko
Looks like this request has been silently completed. The contact Id is now passed through the Transaction Succeeded Webhook trigger and it also appears as a field in the Transaction API Documentation. Now they need to do the exact same thing for the Recurring Plans as that object is also missing a Contact Id field.
Ertay Shashko
This is really needed. Right now we need to deal with contact matching based on other attributes like email, phone, and contact first/last names.
Aaron Attar
it would also be very helpful if the transactions API could be filtered to a specific contactId. the same way within the givebutter dashboard i can view a contacts "timeline" of transactions.
Aaron Attar
this would be incredibly helpful