Send emails to select recipients
Kristie LaRocca
Ability to select email recipients without using the filter - ie: send an email to one donor
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Jenny Green
I would love to be able to use GiveButter's platform to send emails to ONE donor and not need a filter. It's very cumbersome to create a filter to just contact one person and I'd prefer all communication comes from the one platform to keep it professional and uniform. This is definitely a critical feature.
Heather Hatch
Can we not send to individual contacts? Im trying to send thank you letters to only a few people that were at an event and I cant figure out how to do that
Erick Chan
Be able to send email to ticket holders for an event and bypass unsubscribe status
Anne Sutton
Ken barber
This will be very helpful when emails ticket holder vs donors.
Jim Unger
Adding to this, ability to create email groups. This would allow many options for targeting certain groups for specific marketing on a consistent basis.
Stephanie Barnhill
Including the ability to send emails to non-openers of the original email.
Marlen Garcia
Yes, please please please!
Perley Patrick
Would use Givebutter instead of email service
Robin Gifford
This is huge. Many times we want to communicate with one, two or three donors about something and it should be as easy as a click to email!
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