Export CSV of Email & SMS Stats
Solaris Blackwood
Ability to export a CSV of unopened, bounced, unsubscribed, etc. instead of having to click through pages of information and record it manually.
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Robyn Silvestri
Would love this feature!
Dawn Linnemann
This feature should be a base feature.
Daniel Rod
Max Friedman Please consider adding this metric to the team member export. Every single metric is viewable for campaigns except for the visibility of automated emails entered by team members into their share & manage dashboard
Daniel Rod
Max Friedman this should be base feature. Current team member csv exports include every other data point except the amount of emails that team members enter
Daniel Rod
Liran Cohen
Robert Hartman
This is a very basic feature and shouldn't be hard to implement as exporting tickets, transactions, contacts is already enabled. It's very disappointing to see that after 2+ years there is no visibility on this feature from GB.
George Richardson
Robert Hartman I fully agree!
This is indeed a frustration to not be able to export. It would be GREAT to have control of what exports, but even if the entire list exports, we can filter in Excel as needed.
This is tedious especially in combination will all the wasted space of the list. To only be able to see 10 rows on an entire monitor with so much available space adds to the frustration. Please push this up the to do list.
Monica Salvia
This feature alone is holding up our interest in moving all email to gb. Please add!!
Maria Larsen
this is an essential feature, sad to see that its still not available!
PHCS Parlaman
Good grief, this has been pending for more than 2 years? PLEASE update this - I can't record text messages sent/opened/clicked as an export? This is a make or break type feature, especially for small shops.
Kati Sigel
Please enable users to export statistics from an engage email. It is important that we can see and manipulate results in a .csv or .xlsx. Thank you!!
Melissa Newberry
Pleeeeeeaaase add this. I need to be able to UPDATE my database accordingly. Thank you!
Brittany Mead
It is absolutely insane that this feature does not exist. When 783 people did not open an email, it is impossible to record that data manually and resend to just those people.
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