Customizable Honor/Memory notification or card
Kim Fulk
We would like the donor to have the option of an email or mailed notification. They can enter a street address for a notification to be mailed by us. Also would like to design our own email notification instead of the one being sent now.
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It would be great if the donor's name can be hidden in the email notification for honoree.
Barbara Gal
Great idea. It would also be nice to have a field added so the donor can send a message to the recipient and it be added to automatic email sent to the recipient.
Sunny Ellis
Merged in a post:
Option to send card for dedication donation
Sheryl Hirsch
Add an option to send a card to a recipient when a donation is to made In Honor/Memory.
Sunny Ellis
Merged in a post:
Physical address dedication option.
Liran Cohen
Ability for donor to select notifying a recipient by physical mail for dedication and record address.
Kait Cogswell
Merged in a post:
Customize honoree email
Jon Aguilar
The ability to preview and customize the email sent to honorees when someone donates on their behalf.
Tori Meglio
Merged in a post:
Improve honoree notification
Susan Zinder
The honoree notification really doesn't look right when you get it - the font isn't even nice. It would be great if that was improved so that honorees feel like they are getting a present (which they are) when they get the notification.
Susan Zinder
Tori Meglio
Merged in a post:
honoree notification details
Rick Schardein
It would be great if in addition to the email address form there could be an area to submit a physical address as well, so that you could input email and street address.
Holly Taylor
Yes! Because right now we are using Custom Fields to capture the mailing address but it does not sync with Bloomerang. :( So that information is not being stored with the donation in our CRM.
Eileen Lambert
Yes please!