Ability to generate a letter in a contact profile
John Rous
Adding the ability to generate a single automated letter in a contact's profile can assist organizations with thank you letters and stewardship. This also prevents them from needing to use filters to communicate with a single donor.
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Katie Fitch
Just like you can click the options to email and text, we need an option to generate a single donation receipt letter. Whenever we get a check in the mail, I have to fill out a google form that I've programmed to populate placeholders in a google doc template. If I can make that happen in Google Workspace, we should certainly be able to do that in Givebutter from information in the transaction record.
Sandy Craft
Very important, essential in fact, sending letters is labor intensive & any help is great!
Mike Merrill
I agree. Sending individual letters from the transaction record or the contact record is a VERY BIG DEAL for us. We can do that currently in Bloomerang by simply selecting a predone letter template (i.e. Donation Thank You), and then checking the box "Generate letter on save"
Donna Brundage
This is the only feature we are waiting for before a conversion to Give Butter.