All Transaction Details in Payout Report
ShelterBox USA
Have all donor's details that are in the Transaction report, included for the Payout report.
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Micki Shoob
Have all donor's details that are in the Transaction report, included for the Payout report.
Lauren Sweeney
Please include "Ticket Type" as well as quantity.
Include a subtype column in the payout details report indicating if the transaction was for a donation, ticket purchase, or a payment for an auction item. - Sarah Carney
Susan Zinder
Eve YES!!!!
Keely Boyle
It would be helpful to list the campaign name on the export report as well. Currently, you can select a report from a particular campaign but when downloaded there is no indication which campaign it for and it makes it difficult for finance teams to reconcile. The export email containing the file also names no indication of campaign name.
Susan Zinder
Keely Boylereally critical
Rhiley Binns
Hey, Givebutter team-- a solution that would at least partially alleviate this problem is making the payout ID available as an exportable field in transaction reports (and returning a blank/null value for transactions that haven't yet been paid out).
As we work with a contracted accounting team, payouts need to be linked with individual transactions for reconciliation with our CRM and bank records. Because payout IDs can't be pulled in transaction reports and payout reports don't include a breakdown of the specific transactions in them, I have to pull both reports and manually merge the data from both sides so our accountants have what they need. This feels like an unnecessary step, as I know that payouts and transactions need to link somewhere on the back end.
Givebutter developers- I had a job like yours and my mission was to make my customers jobs easier…as cost effectively as possible. I am your customer and need to reconcile payouts with my bank accounts to knowing the purchaser of each item purchased and its costs. Lump sum payout transmittals in the EDI days still had details if the purchase. I believe you use a reference number “twice” on your payout report which I believe is purchase reference number. Place that no in Ticket report line items and now you have a bridge from payout to ticket report. Rhen I could determine “who” actually “bought” tickets rather than whos name is on the ticket. I estimate adding that bridge(one more field), testing it out, and implementing it would take 90 minutes tops. You would resolve about 5 requests that I saw online and 3 other people who I asked who use your product which works well for them but disliked your lack of file linkage to you customers. One added field-key field linkage to make a big difference in the integrity of reconciling bank deposits…vs guessing and wasting time….we like Givebutter, just need it to Givebetter.”
K Craddock non-profit
Tracey Nugent
Echoing a posts from 2022--all of the information in the transaction report included within the payout report is very much needed. For accurate bookkeeping, I am cross-referencing a transaction report with my payout report to be able to allocate funds where the donor designated. For instance with tickets, if you have more than one ticket/activity at the same price for an event, the payout report doesn't provide enough information to know which ticket was purchased. If you have multiple tickets purchased in a single transaction you are not able to see on the payout report what items comprised the purchase unless you are referencing the transaction detail report with it. It is a tedious process!
Tiffany Escandon
"It would be helpful for our team if the payout reference number was in the subject line or body of the payout download email." - Aubrey White
Liran Cohen
Merged in a post:
Include more information in payout details export
Chris Bohn
Add all of the information provided in a transaction export within the payout details export.
Leigh Plott
The fund is especially important. We need to send the payout report to finance to reconcile and I have to manually go in and add fund on every line. Tedious!
Brittany Melby
Leigh Plott YES! we NEED Fund details to reconcile our financial report instead of individually looking up each transaction, that's why we have a "fund" section
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