Roles with Custom Permissions
in progress
Stephen Kao
The ability to give users on the account a custom set of permission or the ability to set up custom roles.
For example, volunteer roles where they can only access campaigns but not transactions.
Another example, editor-like role but only for a specific campaign.
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Steven Paulsen
This is a key feature need. We are exploring other platform options as we dont want volunteers to have any other access than the ability to check in or sell tickets for specific campaigns.
PLCC Board
Can we get an update on this? It is very much needed in our organization to share information with Event Coordinators. Thanks!
Ken Cline
While you're implementing an updated permissions capability (a non-trivial task!), please make it as granular as possible. Ideally, with field-level access controls (e.g., allow some users to have arbitrated access to each field in a record.) Also, allow authorized users to create custom roles.
Something important is the ability to control who can create tags or at least a subset of tags. A category of tags (I'll call them curated tags) that is centrally managed must exist. These would be things like Volunteer Class (Volunteer, Volunteer-Transport Coordinator, Volunteer-Transport Driver) - things that would be used at the organization level to filter/segment the contacts. Without curated tags, you wind up with things like Vol-Trans Coord, Volunteer-Trans Coord, and Vol-TC. These can be fixed, but it's best to start with clean data when you have hundreds (or thousands) of contacts.
Beth Eschenfelder
Jordan Patrick & GiveButter Team: Can you be more specific than "IN PROGRESS"? I asked about this many months ago and was told it's in progress. This is an essential needed feature -- i.e., restricted access to revenue and bank account information: critical. Thank you.
Jordan Patrick
in progress
Lance Escobar
Jordan Patrick - YAY!!!
Stephane Gringer
My use case is our school's back office who just needs access to transaction and banking data. I don't want them running around in campaigns potentially breaking things 😇
Lance Escobar
I would love to be able to give our Accounting Specialist and Treasurer the ability to run reports without having access to make changes to anything in the system. I read-only access if you will. This a great idea!
Dawn Linnemann
This is desperately needed. It really limits who can have access.
Renee Roquet
Hands down we need this. Currently entertaining other platforms because of the lack of this essential feature.
Elizabeth Occhipinti
This!! 🙏
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