Rev. Tony Cryer
Need to print Auction QR code sheets in alphabetical order by item name. I can alphabetize the Item list on the screen, but the QR sheets still print in the order they were entered.
Bruce Wolfe
You had notified the community that this was fixed in 2023. What is the status?
Liran Cohen
Kristi ONeill: Jayne Niemann Andrea Davis We did fix this issue a while back! Thanks for reporting it.
March 15, 2023
Jodi Vaccaro
This is an important feature that would improve the donor experience.
Ivan Gonzalez
Just love to organize auction items so that it doesn't matter when we enter them in, they can be organized
Melissa Silvers
Would love an update on this! It would be nice for organizing our Silent Auction by item# 1, Item# 2, Item #3, Item #4 and so on, so we can easily identify who won. Having the current way (ESP; Item #15728) makes it hard when closing and matching the winners (Takes extra steps on our end). Please fix!
Lindsey Mashchak
I'm so confused, was this completed or not? In the activity feed below, it says completed (October 15, 2023) and then later on says Planned (March 4, 2024).
Brittany Melby
Would really like to be able to create own auction numbers and sort items in auction number order or at least be able to search for auction number, our auction normally has over 500 items so when organizing this we want to input the auction number and the store it before the auction. Then when setting up for auction its organized. Also then when we print a report for who has won items, it can say "John Doe" won items "1, 5, & 250". Do we know when this feature will be done? Our Auction launches May 1st, 2024.
Melissa Silvers
Brittany Melby I agree, having printed items of "John Doe" won items 1,5,250 would be an amazing add on to this site. Also just having the auction items #1, #2, #3 during the auction itself.
Elaine Makikalli
Wakefield Educational
it would be extremely helpful to be able to reorder the items within a category as we want to highlight some items more than others and since only 4 itemsI show up, we want our big items there.
Brianne Leymaster
within the auction - items - dashboard, there needs to be better search/organization capabilities. The search bar doesn't work if you have multiple "pages" of items. it would be helpful to click the category column and at least view them by category there - like an xcel spreadsheet would.
this is in addition to being able to reorder the items on the public auction page.
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