Remove giving space slide
Kait Cogswell
Admin ability to remove the giving space slide, so donations still appear in the Supporter Feed, but donors don't have the option to add a personal message
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Jesse Saldana
Thanks for all the upvotes and feedback! You can now hide the supporter message step from the donation flow. To do so, you can navigate to the "Design" section on the "Settings" tab of the campaign you're managing. Toggle on the setting to hide the step from your donation flow.
Jesse Saldana
Michael Butler
Disabling the ability to remove the personal message slide during the giving process would greatly boost donations. It's not intuitive that people can click next and move past it without making a comment. So if they are required, they might not give at all. Also, with the ability to hide the supporter feed on a page or event, it just makes sense that we have the option to turn off the option to leave a comment. I'd like one option to turn off the supporter feed that would hide the feed on the page and also the ability to comment during the checkout process.
Andre LeRoux
I would also love the ability to disable commenting on these slides. Unfortunately, we received some negative comments on received donations. This was an unfortunate event and by disabling commenting, it would mitigate us having to manually delete these negative comments.
Jarrod Guth
This would be great to turn this off. Also, if we could bypass it on the page all together, especially when the event is a ticketed one. Supporters don't want their information up there and if someone forgets to mark anonymous then their name will be posted.
Ann Perri
Yes please - for ticketed events this slide - whether the additional donation is turned on or off - often makes absolutely no sense to show. We sell tickets to a car show. The car show is a fundraiser, but the clientele don't really "Get" that their tickets are a donation of any type. Adding salt in the wounds the "from grandma/grandpa" adds even more confusion - often leading to phone calls...which a good marketer knows...often means sales aren't happening because of the confusion. This should be a toggle in the backend "Show/Hide support comment section" - thats it. Real bummer to see this has been asked for since 2021, and its now 2024...
Hillary Babick
Yes please!
Christina Hall
+1 from me!
When a ticketed event is embedded in website and we are not asking for donations at the same time, it's really odd to have this slide in there! It makes no sense to the user because they're not seeing the "campaign page".
Friends of Tyngsborough Theatre
I would also like to feature to make the giving process quicker when it’s during an event and there’s a line of people.
Alex Lancianese
The default "From Grandma and Grandpa" text is cringey and confusing to our donors/ticketbuyers. Please remove it or make the text something more general.
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