Pre-Selected Donation Amount
Kait Cogswell
Allow admins to select a donation amount that is pre-selected as the "default" amount, so donors don't have to click the donation amount before continuing in the donation flow.
Log In
Jordan Patrick
Melissa Hart
This would be very helpful to have
Johnny Lin
This would help with conversions! Less clicks!
Tori Meglio
Merged in a post:
Default Donation Settings
Jodi Shumway
I'd like to see the "Recurring Donation" button larger and more prominent. As nonprofits, we know that our bread & butter is in monthly donations.
I'd also like to be able to select "Recurring Donation" as a default setting when up some of our events.
Liran Cohen
Merged in a post:
allow campaign creator to set default donation amount like we can decide monthly or yearly or one-time
Gidon Ariel
Jennifer Bridges
This would be especially helpful for campaigns that only have a single custom donation option (e.g. $40/mo). Since there's only one donation option, it would be great to have that pre-selected for donators.