Option for all campaigns to fundraise towards the same goal/goal bar
Rita Lusing
Option to display an account-wide cumulative goal bar on the campaign page that can be displayed stand-alone or alongside the campaign goal/amount raised.
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Jordan Patrick
Merged in a post:
Consolidate or get total amount of donations from different campaigns
Ara Casey
Show the overall progress or total donations received/raised on the general form campaign goal.
Maggie Jones
Please!!! This would especially be helpful for the form/page options that are for the same campaign. For example, if we want to have a form on our website to donate and we want a donation page to better tell our story, it would be GREAT for these to link to the same goal/goal bar.
Franklin Van Valkenburg
This would be very useful. Tracking the progress of individual campaigns is great, but this feature would better enable organizations to feature overall impact.
Carol Jennings
Yes, please!!!
George Richardson
Agree that this would be great.
Emma Dawley
this would be great!
Darcy Cunningham
agreed-this would be great!!
Robert Hartman
RIta - is this a new update? Where would we find this feature to enable? Thanks.
Jean DeMayo
Yes, we requested this recently. We have multiple pages for one campaign, so we can track the channel by which the donation comes in (email, web, mail). We have 3 separate goal bars - so the other channels can’t see the cumulative total - which we would love if that could be manually edited.
Kathi Torres
Yes! We use individual "appeals" (GB Campaigns) to reach an annual fund goal so this option would make sense for us.
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