Notification when recurring payment card is set to expire
Tori Meglio
Notify the donor and admin via email in anticipation of the recurring payment method expiring.
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Christina Dennis
This is a pretty old post, but any chance this is happening?
Jesse Saldana
Paul Katz
I am not sure where this stands, but this is a big deal. Most recurring donors lapse because of expired credit cards. I will say that if GB cannot create this feature, then we should be provided access to donor's last 4 digits of their card number and expiration dates so that we can keep track of this ourselves. If we have no control over having recurring donations lapse due to a lack of this feature, and we don't have access to the information ourselves, we are helpless, and therefore would have to seek an alternative to GB.
Liran Cohen
Darin Paul
Definitely a big deal to make this one happen!!
Tricia MacFarlan
Yes, please! Would it be possible to automatically remind the customer?
Rhea Jackson
Tricia MacFarlan: Our preference would be to have the ability to customize the notification which gets sent to a donor so it sounds like our organizations voice.
Tricia MacFarlan
Rhea Jackson: that would be great.
Karl Chambers
Yes. This is a must have feature.
David Kapenstein
yes, this is a high priority