Improve the Promo Code button's visibility
in progress
Sana Saif
Requesting to improve the visibility of the 'add promo code' button/link as some donors tend to miss it.
Changing it to a button with a background/outline, and/or increasing the font size will help.
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Jordan Patrick
in progress
Rebecca Katz
Jordan Patrick this makes me so happy!
Rebecca Katz
The amount of time I just spent figuring out that you need to add the promo code at the beginning of the process... oof. Adding it to the payment screen would be SO MUCH more user friendly.
Elizabeth Occhipinti
100%. It is too early in the process and should be on checkout screen
Andrea Gorsegner
I couldn't agree with this more. It took myself and three team members to find it as you're not expecting it on that first ticket selection "page." Coupon codes are almost always at the very end when you're reviewing your cart (via an empty box that says "promo code." It really doesn't make sense anywhere else.
Eliza Young
I am a web designer and I missed the promo code. Normally it is an empty box at checkout by the total. I highly suggest you move it and make it more visible because otherwise it is not usable.
Jenna Streit
I'm getting so much feedback on this. People want it on the payment screen, not at the very beginning of the ticket process.
Lore Burek
The placement outside of the payment flow is unusual. I have had my first 2 people miss it. I echo the sentiment in the merged post "Move Promo Code input to Payment Screen"
Mo Maloney
would definitely be appreciated, so many guests complained they couldn't find it
Chesterton Academy of St. Padre Pio
manni lee
YES, please. It's been several challenges on our end too even when we inform them ahead in our communications. It requires 2 steps.
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