Jesse Saldana
Allegra Gaines
Yes please! I keep having to delete them and re-add them! I would love to be able to change the campaign they are attributed to and the date and amount. Just be able to edit it entirely if needed.
Liran Cohen
in progress
Tracy Mauser
I would like the opportunity to edit all transactions rather than having to delete and re-import.
Tracy Mauser
I would this!
Jesse Saldana
Tori Meglio
under review
Tori Meglio
Merged in a post:
Editing Transaction History
Iveliz Bianco
Is it possible to add an edit feature to slightly adjust transaction information. For example, I am inputting cash transactions manually using my own cc.
I am doing this to have all history together in one place for each campaign.
However, I made a few mistakes. I forgot to add comments to a transaction so to include the donor's name, address, tel. etc.
On another entry I inputted the donor's name instead of mine and it was my billing information.
After I enter cash donations I forward the donors the receipts.
All other fields can remain not editable if needed.
I just want to make sure my transaction history is accurate.
Thank you for your consideration.
Anne Brown
You can input cash transactions manually W/o using a credit card. Much easier and saves you on fees. GB can tell you how.
Tho I also like the idea of being able to edit.