Customize fund designations at campaign level
Christina McNamee
The ability to choose which funds from the account are visible on which campaigns so not EVERY fund designation at the account level shows up for EVERY campaign on the account.
There are funds A, B, and C.
We want funds A and B to show up on Campaign 1 only.
We want fund C to show up on Campaign 2 only.
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Dana Scott
This feature would be very beneficial for a multi-campaign organization like mine.
Amy Carlson
I would also love to see this feature added.
Jenni Wallace
This is a critical update in my opinion. A campaign is a marketing effort around a topic. A fund is the where the donations are to be spent. We are new to the platform but have raised significant dollars in the past 2 weeks to help Hurricane Helene victims. The funds need to be independently aligned to campaigns so I can turn on and off different funds under different initiatives. If I turn off the fund selection entirely at the campaign level, where does that money get allocated? Which fund? But the REAL issue is that the accounting is incorrect. The payouts are linked to the campaign which is in my opinion incorrect. The FUNDS are where the money is allocated for spending. So the payouts should be by FUND not by campaign. Example Campaign W has the option of 5 funds to choose from. I initiate a payout. The payout report doesn't have any data on the funds selected. This is synced to our Quickbooks and now all deposits are booked based on the campaigns, not based on the actual funds the donor selected. This is a BIG Problem for all of us. If any of us get audited, this will be an issue. And it is creating a ton of manual work to ensure we have the accounting correct. This MUST be fixed... in my opinion
Bonnie Reilly
Yes, please add this feature!! It adds much-needed flexibility and time savings for the orgs, and a cleaner UX for supporters :) YES YES YES!!
Adrian Segar
This would be a great addition for us. Please consider it! Thanks!
surviving to thriving
while i very much agree this feature should be added, here is a workaround i've implemented until it is added, for those who may find this useful in the meantime:
- disable the funds allocation at the campaign level for each of the campaigns (i'm now only using it for my general donations, and the options are each of my campaign funds)
- in each campaign, add a custom drop down box
- make it compulsory for all donors to answer this question
- write the question "How would you like your contribution to be allocated?" (or words to that effect)
- add the options you wish, for example "Fund A" "Fund B" "Fund D", etcetera, and you can also add "No preference" or "Area of greatest need", etcetera, as you wish
- create the custom options you need for each campaign in the same way
and then you'll have a page in the donation flow dedicated to the allocation of funds as per your organizations specific requirements :)
surviving to thriving
i have A B C funds, which are designated into individual campaigns, and within these campaigns there are funds 1 2 3 4 5 in fund A, funds 7 8 9 in fund B and funds 0 in fund C
i would like to be able to have the donor choose between fund allocations 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on campaign A, between fund allocations 7, 8 and 9 on campaign B (campaign C only has fund 0 so doesn't require the donor to choose), and between the campaign funds A B and C on my general donations form
Jillian Tekell
Yes, please add this! Thank you!
Debby White
Yes....please add this feature.
I just ran into this issue and came here to see if it was ever mentioned or implemented. Glad I found this post. The option to designate funds per campaign instead of the current show all-or-nothing option would seriously help with organization and make it easier to create funds for super niche campaigns without them showing up for ongoing campaigns that allow donors to select a fund.
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