Additional Message on a campaign page re-assuring donations are secured
Steve Stewart
I'd like this feature on the main Campaign Page at the Top: Something that says the Payment Portal/Donations are secure. Any payment information you give is backed by whatever security and isn't stored anywhere, yadda yadda.
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Glenna Steele
Please also consider adding clear wording that donation amounts are shown in USD. Apparently several other countries also use the $ sign and this created confusion for our campaign. Maybe just simply add USD by the amount somewhere along the process.
Jordan Patrick
Kari Burdeau
I agree with this idea.
Caty Franco
Yes! It’s also been tested by other donation platforms that adding a green lock icon increases conversions.
Mo Maloney
It is vital that we garner new donors. However, they are often skeptical to start using a platform they've never heard of. We've had to grandfather PayPal in most of our other campaigns because long-time donors won't switch, or they'll drop their donations if we don't offer multiple payments options.