Ability to manage tickets offline
John Rous
Adding the ability to manage tickets offline will allow admins to control inventory and assign complimentary tickets in the dashboard. This feature will no longer require admins to create an offline transaction with a promo code or the need to make tickets active/inactive.
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Rev. Tony Cryer
Yes please! Lots of people pay with cash and they need to be on the ticket list for check-in and to monitor the total count of tickets sold.
Louise McDonald
This feature is a must - providing the admin the ability to streamline from the dashboard would save so much time
Jennifer Allen
Yes please!!!!!!!
Robert Hartman
This is desperately needed as we have folks who hand us cash and say sign me up. You can go into the Contacts and add a Campaign (Ticket Campaign) but not add the specific ticket. This is a problem when the person is already in your contacts and you cannot issue them a ticket without going out to the live campaign and register them. This is time consuming for the non-profit person working the registrations as well as the possibility that the name or contact info gets entered incorrectly and a duplicate contact is created. This is a basic functionality needed for the admin when running ticket type events. Also, this is needed because if the event has a limited number of seats the tickets need to be assigned so we can show the proper number of available seats still left.
Mo Maloney
yes, please
Keely Boyle
The ability to import a bulk guest list as well
Melanie Muckle
This is a related need: At all my events, I have no-show AND people who show up at the door. I need a final list of everyone who actually attended (doesn't every non-profit?) but I can't add tickets after the event is over without a time-consuming work-around (changing the event date, adding the attendees with a dummy email so they don't get a confusing receipt with the wrong date, changing the event date back and editing all the dummy emails). Please give the admin dashboard the control to add to the ticket list more easily and after an event is over.
Lisa Stoch
I am really struggling as at least half of our tickets came in offline and now I'm going to have to reregister every single one with a promo code which is insane