With in-person events ramping back up, we now have a way for you to bring the excitement of your campaign to in-person events using our new
Live Display
feature. Showcase your campaign's progress on the big-screen and watch your totals and supporter feed update in real-time as gifts are made. Did we mention that there's confetti?
Live Display Features
Amount Raised
  • Displays the total amount raised and number of donations your campaign has received.
  • If you have a goal set on your campaign, this will also be displayed.
  • These stats will increment in real-time as donations are made to your campaign.
Supporter Feed
  • Donations are displayed as they're made to your campaign.
  • Donation cards include donation amount, donor name, and how long ago the donation was made.
  • Donors who give anonymously will not have their name displayed publicly.
  • Donors who hide their donation amounts will not have the amount shown.
  • Donors can scan the QR code using their phones to access your campaign page directly.
  • Donors can text your campaign's keyword to directly access your page or event.
  • Requires accounts to have Text-to-Donate enabled on their accounts. You can learn how to do this here.
Choose one of our four themes when setting up Live Display
  • Aurora
  • Blossom
  • Moonlight
  • Seafoam
To learn more about how to setup and configure
Live Display
checkout our "How to launch and configure your Live Display" article in the Givebutter Help Center.