  • The mobile UI for bidder registration and placing a bid was updated to make it more apparent that registered bidders can sign in to place a bid.
  • The winning bids export includes item id, bidder number, and item retail price column.
  • Adjust what auction settings persist when duplicating a campaign with an auction. All auction and item date fields will be cleared, and the auction and items will be set to draft.
  • Truncated text in the auction items table when item names were longer than the column width. Users can hover over an item's name to see it in full.
  • Updated new supporter email admins get for Buy Now purchases.
  • Improved error messaging when a transaction is submitted and processed but there was an error afterward.
  • Custom contact fields can now be imported when importing contacts.
  • Added a Contact import template that dynamically shows custom field names as headers in an account's import template.
  • Multi and single-select custom fields can now have up to 50 response choices.
  • Format country in transaction plans import.
  • Added the campaign ID (code) to the transactions export.
  • Launched Household summary charts, which allow you to see a giving summary for all members of a household. You can also filter by "Year to date", "Last year", and "All time".
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  • View transaction details directly from the contact timeline without being redirected to the transactions page.
  • Contacts can be filtered by custom fields.
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