Ticket buyers automatically registered for Auction
Stephen Kao
The ability for ticket buyers to automatically be registered as bidders to help save time.
Log In
Erin Casey
This would bring ease to the check out process on both the guest and staff side of things!
Lauren Amery
I would love to see an app for bidders as well where their login is saved, and they don't have to re-enter details each time they buy a ticket.
Samantha Livermore
This would be a huge time saver and I really hope the feature is available before the end of 2023! Our previous platform had the capability, so it will be a bummer if more work is created for our ticket holders.
Cherie Catron
Having donors enter their information multiple times for ticket, donation and auction defeats a lot of the convenience advantage of using an online platform
DeAnn Colegrove
Yes. One of the great features I loved about our prior platform. Make it easy for the buyer.
Dani Wilson
YES that would be so great and cause less confusion.
Ariel Glassman
Yes! And please, please, please make adding a credit card for payment type on file a streamlined part of the ticket/registration process, so that we don't have to ask registrants to come back to take that step separately.
Crusaders Give
Tara Blastick
This would be great
Sonya Burris
Thanks, this would be awesome! We have an event in October where we will be selling tickets.
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