Integrate EOY Reports with Engage
The David Phillips Foundation
Create a way to automatically have EOY reports populate within Engage with a populated template.
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Jesse Saldana
Thanks for all of the upvotes and feedback on this request!
You can now send end of year summaries to your donors through engage or from the contacts page. Read our changelog post to learn more about these updates:
Leslie Brians
So many non profit CRMS already do this and just seems so natural for GiveButter to offer.
Austin Hudson
This is a great idea and would stream line this process so much better!
South Florida Muslim Federation
sooner the better
Peyton Calhoon
Bronwyn Foran
Yes please! A lot of CRMs do this. This would save so much time!
Simit Rajwadi
Open to several ways of this working:
- Donor receives email, similar to a donation receipt, with a their EOY report attached.
- EOY report can be shared via engage using a variable to add the URL or somehow be able to attach the PDF report for each donor.
Ultimate goal would be to send each donor a EOY email with their report URL and PDF.
Lloyd Deviney
Basically, it would be great if there was some way to automate the distribution of the EOY reports.
Tom Georges
This is from my suggestion from last year (
I envision it working like this: Engage > New Message > Email Message > Filter Contacts > Include attachment End Of Year Report > Choose Year > Generate Reports > Next > Compose EOY message to donors > Next > Schedule/Send
Tom Georges
Or send a CSV file along with the zip of PDFs that has
PDF Filename
as columns. Then I can use 3rd party CRM tools to send the EOY
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